I love to travel. I want to go everywhere. I moved to six states in five years! These days, I am settled in Kansas City, but still make it a priority to go on at least a couple of trips every year. Funding my adventures is a huge part of why I started my business and continue to work so hard.
I love meeting clients IRL. Being on Zoom every week with my amazing clients is great and all… but it’s so much fun to go to business events and hang out in real life. I’ve traveled with a few clients and it’s always an amazing experience. Being around successful women is so empowering, and knowing the real-life people behind the businesses I support makes what I do mean so much more.
I'm very self-reliant. (Plus meet my cat AP in the picture with me!) I have had to create a lot of trust within myself and my ability to overcome any obstacle. That is why mindset is a huge part of my programs. I had a full-on breakdown in 2020 when I was going through a divorce, and it changed a lot for me. But, it also has allowed me to get stronger, dream bigger and get fully on track with what I want for my own life. My goals are very important to me because they provide me security. I know that I can take care of myself, and I want that feeling of safety for other women as well.
I invest in learning more myself every year. I believe that we are never done learning. I participate in programs every year to make sure that my skills continue to get better and that I am learning from top experts that can shorten my learning curve. I believe coaching is an incredible investment in my skill set and future. That means that I am up to date on industry trends, and continue to gain more knowledge and skills. It also means that I am able to help my clients more as I continue to grow. It feels powerful and inspirational to keep improving for both myself and for you.
I consider myself your business partner & biz bestie. I personally have never resonated with the "coach" title or the "assistant" title for myself. My focus in on partnering with you to help you & your biz to grow in the way that feels amazing to you. We don't live in hustle culture here, we prioritize what works and invest our energy into action and forward movement. There are more than enough people telling you (and me lol) what we "should be doing". I don't love micromanaging or adding even more things we don't need to actually be doing to our never-ending to-do lists. My job is to help you figure out the right steps FOR YOU to build a business that aligns with your lifestyle and personal goals, and I will speak up when I think we can be doing things better!
I'm obsessed with animals & palm trees. If you ever bring your dog around me, I absolutely will say hi to it before I say hi to you. 😉 My favorite birthday was getting to meet this penguin at the zoo in Tampa. And as much as I love my hometown of Kansas City, I totally miss palm trees… I am a beach girl at heart.